Sunday, 5 June 2011

"We are considering you for the position" meaning?

I was interviewed about a week ago and I just got a call from the company. He said %26quot;We are considering you for the position.%26quot; And he discussed salary. Then said that he will call again near the commencement date but he didn%26#039;t state when. And I was too excited that I forgot to ask. lol

This may sound like a dumb question but, when he said %26quot;we are considering you for that position%26quot;, does that mean that I already got the job offer? Or is it possible that he call other interviewees up too?

By the way, the job opening has only 1 vacancy and I%26#039;m supposed to replace an employee who%26#039;s furthering his studies.

I asked around and I got mixed answers. 1 said I got it because if I didn%26#039;t get it, the company wouldn%26#039;t waste time calling people up to say they are considering someone for a position. A few said that it%26#039;s highly likely I get it but, they are not really sure themselves. It%26#039;s possible that the company might change their mind because the fact is, they didn%26#039;t provide details to come down and sign a contract yet, maybe they are waiting out for a better candidate. Another quipped that maybe they just want to finalise some paperwork first with the current employee before I can take over his position. What do you think?

Help! Thank you in advance.|||They are thinking about getting you the position. Not that you already have it. Hope this helped ;)