Sunday, 5 June 2011

What is the one thing that happened to you that changed your life for the better?

For most of us it still hasn%26#039;t happened.|||Getting downsized from a place I hated anyway. Found my dream job...until laid off from that one. Everything is exactly the way it%26#039;s supposed to be according to God%26#039;s will...not mine.|||There are lots of really big things that have happened to me that have changed my life for the better, like switching careers from being a lawyer to being a teacher, and becoming a mother.... lots of big ones.

If you mean in terms of religion and spirituality, I would say it was leaving religion behind, realizing that there is no god, and finding my spiritual path in pantheism.

Lady Morgana|||Puberty.|||Told that i had more friends at middle school than i thought|||I quit my 6-figure job and now live on less than 20% of it.|||I did some deep soul searching about my faith back in college - and came to believe in it more deeply and fully! It shaped the rest of my future!|||I got a good job that lasted 20 years.|||unemployment, yap it sounds bad but it gave me time to think my life over

Edit: Me-1 Recession-0|||Quitting my job in publishing, I was able to focus more on my art and my own business.