Sunday, 5 June 2011

Middle school guys what do you look for in a girl kinda like a survey?

im enetering 7th grade and im not gonna change my silly spunky personallity for anyone is that a turn off im kinda a book worm but super outgoing

also kinda as a survey what do you like about a girl look wise and is being 12 and 4%26#039;5 a turn off|||Be true to yourself and remember that any judgement people have of you isn%26#039;t real, my point being you are going down a dangerous path when you try and fit into someone else%26#039;s idea of how you should be. Just relax and be forgiving to yourself, you will make mistakes.|||You%26#039;ll be fine. Just be available. Let guys know you are interested in dating, and don%26#039;t be afraid to wear feminine clothes once in a while. You don%26#039;t have to do the Hollister skirts and whatnot, but jeans and a t-shirt every day is no fun to look at from a guy%26#039;s stand point.

Like I said, don%26#039;t stress. You may not get the one specific guy you are looking at, but just keep in mind that the one guy you don%26#039;t know that well could actually be the one.