Sunday, 5 June 2011

How do you deal with family who use you for your money?

If you are a woman and you have family who use you for your money, how do you deal with them?

Since i was a kid non of my cousins, aunts, or uncles didn%26#039;t care about me. Nor did they treat me like I was family. But now that I have a lot of money along with a successful career, things have change. i have been invited on family vacations, which usually involve me paying for everything. I get asked to help pay for houses and care. Their entire attitude has also changed. I no longer get ignored at family reunions but I also know its all because I have money. When I was younger I was the outsider of my family because I was adopted into the family. But now all they see is money and they treat me like they actually care when I know they don%26#039;t. How do you deal with them and let them know you are not their personal ATM? I am asking this to successful women who have had to go through the same as I am going through now.|||You earnt your respect... And you finally realise what every man goes through. If you were a man, you would also have a pick of any 18yo female you like, and be expected to support a family.|||Stop being a doormat. Don%26#039;t let your family use you. If they stop paying attention to you because they no longer have a use for you, then they were never a real family to begin with.|||politely say no you can%26#039;t give anymore money, most likely they will be mad but if they stop including you again you know they were after your money you shouldn%26#039;t have to buy their love and attention|||What advice I have for you easier said than done. Tell them no. I went through exactly what you are describing when I was younger. But I was not adopted. My great grandfather was an inventor and he made lots of improvements on things like elevators. With his money he made, he only took care of the family members he choose to. He hated my dad for marrying my mom, so we got shut off completely. My aunts and uncles he provided for their wives and husbands and took care of their children. It was painful watching them have whatever they needed and wanted while my family went days where we had no heat to keep our house warm and even worse. I used their neglect to keep me motivated. They even doubted my dreams of starting a clothing line. But now they see I have more than I could have ever imagined. Their attitude changed and i suddenly became %26quot;family%26quot;. I tell them %26quot;no%26quot; so much that these days they don%26#039;t even ask me for money any more, I%26#039;d kindly remind them of how they treated me, my mom, dad, sisters and brother when I didn%26#039;t have nothing. Make them remember what try to forget. Surround yourself with your true friends and the family who was their for you when you had nothing. When they see you don%26#039;t have time for them and you go on your own vacations and do things with your inner circle, trust me they will get the message. They will respect you a lot more.|||Don%26#039;t give them money. Period. Seriously, just stop.

I%26#039;ve been in a similar situation and it is just never-ending. It will go on and on, and when they have kids old enough to ask for money, they will start doing it, too. It%26#039;s great to help family when you can, and when they need it, but when it becomes obvious that aren%26#039;t even TRYING to solve their problems on their own, and are just looking to you right away, every time they need money for the cable bill or car repairs, because they are irresponsible with money (and because they know you%26#039;ll bail them out) then it%26#039;s time to stop. You aren%26#039;t doing them any favors, either, you are allowing them to be irresponsible, and use you.