Saturday, 24 September 2011

Creationists, do you refute the existence of DNA?

The strand that naturally mutates and changes form causing progressive changes over time but only survives if doesn't kill the host (Evolution). (Mutations are as natural as a rock will grind down to sediment in the environment -- all things are fragile and change)

What about the existence of cells, that need DNA to split for them to even exist and preserve their coded information.

What about embryos, which need cells to exist, and need to exist in order for you to dispute stem cell research!Creationists, do you refute the existence of DNA?On the contrary, it is one of the strongest arguments against evolution.

The notion that such complexity and that information could be preserved through it by some natural process takes a giant leap of faith.
Creationists, do you refute the existence of DNA?
Yes, especially when I try to become a doctor. All my claims have roots back to nothing with this so-called DNA
Creationists, do you refute the existence of DNA?
I absolutely do not refute the existence of DNA. The Creator spoke of it long ago. (Psalms 139:16)

It proves intelligent thinking, design. How beautiful we humans are ! =D (Psalms 139:14)
Science Digest states: “Evolutionary revisionists believe mutations in key regulatory genes may be just the genetic jackhammers their quantum-leap theory requires.” However, the magazine also quotes British zoologist Colin Patterson as stating: “Speculation is free. We know nothing about these regulatory master genes.” (February 1982, p. 92) In other words, there is no evidence to support the theory.

The Encyclopedia Americana acknowledges: “The fact that most mutations are damaging to the organism seems hard to reconcile with the view that mutation is the source of raw materials for evolution. Indeed, mutants illustrated in biology textbooks are a collection of freaks and monstrosities and mutation seems to be a destructive rather than a constructive process.”—(1977), Vol. 10, p. 742.
You should probably take a basic genetics class, here are a few facts:

#1. Biggest rule of genetics is that things that happen to the body (of an organism) do NOT change its genetic code. A women who breaks a leg, or even loses a leg will not have babies with broken or missing legs.

#2. There is NO single genetic mutation known in the entire world that causes something beneficial to its host. ALL of them are detrimental to varying degrees, the larger ones often cause severe health problems and/or death.

#3. As with breeding of dogs etc, you can breed down genetics (think of large dogs being bred to small dogs), that is remove genetic code (by unnatural means), but you can NOT add genetic code (you cant breed large dogs out of small), b/c there is NO compatible code to add to it. (Only by combining within the same species - like great dane with chihuahua - can you effect a something larger, but it is NOT from an addition to the genetic code, but a different code replacing something.) This means that single-celled organisms with only a few tiny strands of DNA (from millions of years ago) - say 3 chromosomes - are incapable of creating more and unique DNA within themselves - say 23 sets of chromosomes. They are only capable of replicating copies of their own DNA - which we can see in ourselves. When humans breed, we breed from our own DNA, we do not magically take or add from someone else outside ourselves. Mutations that accidentally replicate strands tend to be very serious and life-threatening.

#4. In addition to all this, water is known in biology as the great destroyer of life, since live cells are made to burst by being in pure water (from osmosis action) and so the idea of human cells originating in ANY H2O liquid AT ALL - is laughable.
DNA exists through Creation, not Evolution. Rejecting Evolution, doesn't mean rejecting Science because Evolution is just a materpiece of fairytale hiding behind the Mask of Science.

If Darwin Had Known About DNA (e-book):…

Collapse of Darwinism In Europe:…

Millions of Years Old Fossils Debunk Evolution: (A Must Visit!):

Darwinism Refuted:…

May Allah guide all of us through the right path.…
Have you any idea of how complex the composition of DNA actually is?

DNA is evidence of creation.
Where do you get this idea?

DNA is emphatic evidence for creation.