Wednesday, 21 September 2011

How do you go about changing gravel in a fish tank?

Im thinking about changing my gravel in my fish tank reason for this is is because i hate the stones in there. but i was wondering how you would go about doing so?How do you go about changing gravel in a fish tank?Start the process by rinsing the new gravel until the rinse water runs clear. Then set up holding tank as close to the main tank as possible. This will allow you to transfer the fish from one tank to the other readily. Just make sure the holding tank is not situated where you'll fall over as you work! Now that your holding tank is ready, temporarily turn off the filter in the main tank. Perform the next few steps quickly, so the filter is only off a short period of time. Siphon off enough water from the main tank to fill the another holding tank about two thirds of the way full. Then remove any live plants, rocks, and other decorations, from the main tank and put them in the holding tank.

Visit on for aquarium accessories like filter, heater, lighting, etc.

How do you go about changing gravel in a fish tank?
hahah fish lol....
How do you go about changing gravel in a fish tank?
first if its a tropical fish tank best to remove the fish into a small tank while you do it ....empty out the water scoop out the old gravel thoroughly rinse any new gravel then replace it ...its not a big job really
id go with sheila, put fish in bucket with tank water dump out extra water and remove the gravel, i would not try to remove gravel with fish in the tank because theres so much waste in the gravel you cant get even with a gravel vacuum that itll float around the top of the tank, plus you dont want to pelt your fish with gravel
well, you have to find a temporary home for your fish while you do this. dunno how many you hav but they have to be in there for a while.

Then, you scoop them out and put them in their temp home, take out anything you have in the tank, filters and anything else, then you scoop the rocks out. what you want to do with them if you don't want them anymore is either put them in the garden around flowers or put them in a plastic bag and throw them away, i would put them in the garden. clean out the tank really well, and then rinse the new rocks really well to remove anything on them and put them in the tank.. then put your fishy's back and there ya go! good luck!
Like the others have said, I would remove the fish to a temporary bucket with as much of the tank water as possible, then scoop out the gravel and replace it. If you have a spare fish net, they work well as a scoop, but you may bend the handle a bit. If you can't remove all the water before switching out the gravel you may want to give your filter a couple hours to clean the water before adding the fish back in, since you'll stir up a lot of crap during the switch.

Also remember the gravel houses a lot of the bacteria required for proper filtration, and they will take some time to to recolonize the new gravel. Do frequent water tests after the switch to avoid new tank syndrome.
umm.... i would put the fish and plants into a bucket with tank water but try to save some of ur tank water cause the Bacteria and stuff

scoop the stones out and wash thoroughly the new gravel and put it in.. then put some water and dechlorinator in and then ur old tank water and fish in

hope i helped :)
If you are decided in changing the gravel, then your only option is to take down the tank and redo the set up from scratch. To help you along you can transfer the fish into a smaller tank, but make sure that it is equip with a good filtration and aeration, and fill it with water from your existing tank. Give it a few days for the new setup to settle before reintroducing the fishes back to the tank.
I agree with most everyone, but make sure you clean your new gravel off with cold water, not hot. I don't remember the reasoning, but just do it just in case...
don't do it all at once as the fish need the bacteria you have to allow some of the bacteria in the new gravel to be established first do half and then do the other half in about 2 weeks