Wednesday, 21 September 2011

How is the present work environment changing?

I would like to hear YOUR answers.

%26quot;I believe that the present work environment is changing as far as the way people talk, communicate, and interact.

For example:

We use our smartphone or cell phone to send a quick text to someone maybe stating: Are you home? Verses just picking up the phone (like we used to do in the old days) and call and ask: Are you home?%26quot;How is the present work environment changing?In my opinion...

More competition for fewer good jobs.

Fifty-years ago taking a good job meant you could reasonably expect to stay in that job for many years or until retirement. Today, if you stay in a job for ten-years it can demonstrate stability.

People may take jobs solely for the income it provides before proceeding to a more desirable job in the current job market.

Many self-employed people are running businesses out of their homes with a room in the house dedicated to the business.

Technology has improved communications but, it has also placed a burden on people for faster, more accurate results.

Your communications today may be closely monitored and if a superior does not agree with your methods, you may be out the door. An article in the news recently detailed a lady who was fired from her job for writing her emails in caps.

Our work environment is faster-paced with results expected to be faster and more efficient. At the same time, workers or employees may be on edge with the unstable job market and increased scrutiny of our actions and communication methods.

Hope this helped.