Wednesday, 21 September 2011

What is consciousness? and how have you changed yours or changing yours to make a better world?

If consciousness creates thoughts, and thoughts are energy, and energy manifests matter, then we need to change our consciousness as individuals to create a better world. Are you actively changing what's inside to change what's outside for the better?What is consciousness? and how have you changed yours or changing yours to make a better world?Consciousness is the way we see ourselves as we relate to the world. It's about understanding how we fit into the big picture, or the universe. If we search for higher consciousness, we begin by understanding ourselves first. The compassion and clarity that results from self understanding helps us foster a better world for ourselves without additional effort. There is no more straining or striving. It happens more naturally. We are right inside so the world is naturally better outside, and we see it all through a different, clearer lens.

I'm working on it every day.
What is consciousness? and how have you changed yours or changing yours to make a better world?
consciousness is being reactive to stimuli
What is consciousness? and how have you changed yours or changing yours to make a better world?
Big question. If only we knew the nature of consciousness, maybe some day there will be an answer, but for now let us make the most of it.
The operational definition of consciousness is reportability...

After decades of concerted effort on the part of neuroscientists, psychologists, and philosophers, only one proposition about how the brain makes us conscious - how it gives rise to sensation, feeling, subjectivity - has emerged unchallenged: we don't have a clue.
Consciousness is Self and which is not subject to change, but is subject to purification. Just as blood is called as thinned when blood thinners are used, but infact, blood becomes pure when it becomes thin and back to its true nature. Water is said to become less dense when what is dissolved in it are removed, the nature of water has not changed but the water was reinstated to its true nature. Similarly Ether that constitutes consciousness cannot be changed because it is not in its true nature to change, but can be reinstated to true nature, which is purer form from the alcohol we drink or the poison which we are afraid of in any substance. If the poison is converted to medicines, then the purer form of ether has been achieved. World is neither better or bad. It is the perception that is better or bad and the perception depends on the purity achieved in consciousness or how far the consciousness is closer to its true nature. In its purest form it cannot exist on the surface of the earth. It will be sucked back to the source, and we call that resurrection.
Lets say that consciousness is awareness of ourselves as an

entity. Under normal conditions that is the extent of it. We have

innumerable living entities within us who are themselves

individuals and they have things to do that keep the entity which

is each of us alive and running properly. We don't know a lot

about them and our understanding of how they do this is

rudimentary. We take them for granted and rely upon them to

do their jobs without any awareness of what they are doing. To this

extent we are completely unconscious.

The things we refer to as intellect, consciousness, thought, emotion

all of the aspects of ourselves that are generally mental functions

are carried out in concert by those tiny entities within us that

are a part of the whole us. In effect, we are a world unto ourselves.

Time and circumstance has molded us into the being we are today.

This is a harmonious system with each part playing its role in

accordance with what we encounter. Consciousness may very well

be the insight required to realize that we are a collection of entities

harmoniously playing the symphony of our lives and that we should

not do things to disturb the harmonious nature of our selves. Being

conscious actually does not serve the purpose of making a better

world outside of ourselves. It is, instead, the realization that we

have it in our abilities to disrupt the harmony of our inner world.

If we do something to interfere with this harmony, we are at peril.

We can only hope to avoid such behavior by remaining vigilant

to the dangers we represent to ourselves and to allow our bodies

and minds to function in accordance with the natural order of

ourselves as dictated by time and circumstance.
Consciousness seems to be linked to being aware of surroundings, actions, needs. Unlike being unconscious. :Linked to this consciousness are our 5 senses and our physical feelings. We are conscious of our emotional life when happy, unhappy, in love and emotional pain.

Both the emotional life and the conscious life are always linked, one works with the other. They can't work separately. Yet for some reason some people have only a conscious life lacking emotion.

Every single human being does whatever is necessary and for personal reasons. Whether it is good bad or indifferent, right or wrong is from the perspective of an onlooker.

Becoming aware or gaining knowledge gives a person a different perspective and that can be a changing experience for good or not. That which is outside IS. I am myself and should anything I do be beneficial in some way all well and good.
%26quot;Existence exists鈥攁nd the act of grasping that statement implies two corollary axioms: that something exists which one perceives and that one exists possessing consciousness, consciousness being the faculty of perceiving that which exists.%26quot;

-Ayn Rand
Who can put into words that which is so unknown and misunderstood?

Consciousness is my Truth. My Truth was begot by Love Manifest and awareness. I was created, as were all, and my creation is temporal. I am at peace with this as my purpose is in its state of manifestation, so be it.

As far as changing goes, what can remain static that which is eternally dynamic? To recognize change is to only accept what is and will always be whilst lamenting the loss what was has been perceived as %26quot;once was.%26quot; Dare not call it better or worse, for that is only left to the judging eye of the beholder. In the unlimited mind, there is no such duality, thus judgment exists not.
