Saturday, 24 September 2011

What will the changing structure of gender roles in society cause?

What are the long term effects of the increasing amount of females in the workforce (they already dominate the work industry and collegiate spheres)? Several decades past you had men primarily as the bread winners that would supply the families, and the amount of single parent households was non existent. Now the exact opposite is true, women are predominantly the bread winners but the discrepancy lies within single parent households and a drastic increase in the abundance of single mothers. Also the preoccupation women have with self support/sufficiency rather than industries in which they had always been primarily concerned with providing or filling (daycare, childcare, schooling) Women are now entering industries like engineering and science, mathematics, business where the likelihood for monetary advancement is high and leaving highly relevant social areas unfilled. This is where men take over as you see many more men as caregivers and childcare workers, volunteers, etc.

What implications do these changing roles have on the future of society?What will the changing structure of gender roles in society cause?%26quot;Remember this: The strongest sign of the decay of a nation is the feminization of men and the masculinization of women. It is notable that in Communist nations women are exhorted, and compelled, to do what has traditionally been men's work. American women, some of them, feel triumphant that they have broken down the %26quot;barricades%26quot; between the work of the sexes. I hope they will still feel triumphant when some commissar forces a shovel or an axe into their soft hands and compels them to pound and cut forests and dig ditches. I hope they will be %26quot;happy%26quot; when a husband deserts them and they must support their children and themselves alone. (After all, if a woman must be %26quot;free%26quot; she shouldn't object to men being free too, should she?%26quot;)

%26quot;I hope they will feel %26quot;fulfilled%26quot; when they are given no more courtesies due to their sex, and no kindnesses, but are kicked aside on the subways and buses by men, and jostled out of the way by men on busy sidewalks and in elevators. I hope that no man will extend mercy to them because of obvious pregnancies, but will rudely tell them that that is no excuse to shirk a day's heavy labor, and they should be like Russian women. I hope they will be proud when some court demands that they support %26quot;delicate%26quot; husbands for a lifetime, and pay alimony. I hope, when they look in their mirrors, that they will be pleased to see exhausted and embittered faces, and that they will be consoled by their paychecks.%26quot;

Taylor Caldwell (woman anti-feminist conservative)
What will the changing structure of gender roles in society cause?
equality of the sexes, which is still a long way off
What will the changing structure of gender roles in society cause?
It will rain tools.
It means that the economy will grow faster, as each person gravitates more to what he or she does best - rather than being bound by traditional gender expectations.

It also means that many women will be earning more money than their male partners, which may end up causing some disillusionment or resentment among the male of the species. More men will probably feel a little emasculated, and they will seek ways to compensate.

How will they try to compensate? That is the key question...
There have always been a lot of women in the workforce. And there have always been single parent families. There are more nowadays, but it is not true to say that they were non existent in the past, nor was it unheard of for women to have to support families. I think however that most people still prefer to raise children in a two parent household. And i doubt that will ever change.

I personally doubt that there are ever going to be as many men looking after children, being carers etc, as women, because i don't think these occupations appeal as much to men as to women. Likewise i don't think there are ever going to be as many women working in science, engineering, etc, because I don't think those occupations appeal as much to women as to men.
Some of what you describe as %26quot;changing gender roles%26quot; are trends that have been developing for a generation in the west, such as more women in the workplace and more women in professions. But women hardly dominate in industry or academia and there is no particular reason to think women will dominate, just be better represented.

And I have to say that women working is not a new thing at all. The stereotypical housewife wasn't reality for all families by any means and many women had to work too. Single parent households certainly existed given death and divorce and abandonment and yes there were even some single mothers back in the day.

The ideal of the father as breadwinner and mother as contented housewife in a suburban home was the reality for many but it was hardly universal, and it was certainly not perfect. Stress (often from the pressures of keeping up appearences) and alcohol and drug abuse were very common and just kept hidden. And forget domestic violence and sexual abuse, people didn't even talk about that stuff and looked the other way if they could.

As for %26quot;feminine%26quot; tasks of caregiving, I don't think they've gone away. Most day care workers are women and most people who care for others are women and it is most often women who take care of aging parents. And women still volunteer more often than men but I would agree that men volunteer more often than in past generations, which I think is a good thing.

What are the implications of changing gender roles for the future of society? I think mainly that both men and women are participating in social and economic life on the basis of personal ability and preference without arbitrary pigeonholing.

I think the only people who see a downside to that are people who think mindless traditional gender roled are somehow sacred and people who benefit, or maybe think they benefit, from a social set-up which Still discriminates on the basis of sex and denies people the right to pursue whatever they choose based on their interests and capabilities.

Isn't it obvious? The divorce rate will keep climbing, which leads to more single mothers which leads to more crime which means a more chaotic society. Any idiot can argue against facts but appears ever more the idiot.

All one needs is to look at the statistics from the 70's til now.