Saturday, 24 September 2011

How do you know when your hormones are changing?

I heard that in teenage years, hormones are always changing? Do the symptoms just go away...and is this any reason for concern?How do you know when your hormones are changing?at 16 your not finished puberty. sure you have all the expected arrivals but your still not an adult. your breasts can keep on developing until the age of 21. not to mention that an adult keeps maturing until the age 40 and then that's when you stop growing up and start growing old. Changing is for life.
How do you know when your hormones are changing?
yes its true they do change......its a little thing called puberty.

but dnt wrry cause it unavoidable : )
How do you know when your hormones are changing?
well you don't you kind of forget that at one point in your life you were 'normal'. Since everyone else acts just as crazy as you do you wont notice much unless you look back at your life and remember that you weren't truly happy for about 5 years. And that you do things you would have never imagined you'd do at age 10, like smoke, do drugs, get drunk, have sex with a random person. But yes it happens to everyone. And there is no way to be 'careful', you lose your conscience at around age 14-5 (sometimes younger). So best of luck in your teen years, don't worry that conscience thing will come back someday. When your brain fully develops during early 20s.
Hi HS Sweetness,

No reason for concern unless your body is trying to tell you something. Deal with life as it comes and leave it like you found it. Live and Let Live. Do not worry, Be Happy. The body is always changing and renewing itself. Amazing!
your not done with puberty , you will continue until your are 21 !