Wednesday, 21 September 2011

How do you get rid of snails that are multiplying rapidly in your fish tank without changing the water?

I have a 30gal. aquarium that is overpopulated with snails. I find at least 10 or more a day that I can reach and get out but how do I get these out for good without changing the water or harming my fish?How do you get rid of snails that are multiplying rapidly in your fish tank without changing the water?don't feed so much. I think you should feed about once every other day or so. A little more wouldn't hurt but there is really no need to feed more than that. Snail overpopulation is a direct result of overfeeding. I've fed every other day for about a year now and my fish are fine.
How do you get rid of snails that are multiplying rapidly in your fish tank without changing the water?
You need to take as many out as you can and dispose of them. They'll take over your tank and your fish will die. If you feel uncomfortable about destroying them, perhaps the local pet store will take them off your hands.

Just leave one or two. They multiply rapidly and removing them is an ongoing process.
How do you get rid of snails that are multiplying rapidly in your fish tank without changing the water?
The snails will not kill your fish. The little guys are a bit of an eyesore if the population gets too big, but they are nothing but beneficial to your tank.

Which is probably a good thing, because there's no way to get rid of them permanently. To control the population, you can put a bit of lettuce in the tank. Leave it overnight, and pull it out in the morning, usually along with many many snails. Toss the lettuce.
Clean the tank thoroughly, if you have any live plants wash them b/c they carry snail eggs when you buy them at a petstore.
The most common way is to get snail eating fish. The most popular are clown loaches, or any other common species of loaches. Although they won't be able to get rid of them ALL, a few snails in your tank will be very beneficial in cleaning left over food and algae.

The bad news is that your tank may not be big enough for a clown loach, they are small when you buy them, but they can grow to like 6-8 inches in captivity.
i would leave them. has it been going on for very long? because eventually i think the population will taper off, and they really do keep a tank clean. i love my snails even though sometimes it seems there are a million of them.