Saturday, 24 September 2011

A reason why changing from plastic bottles to aluminum bottles is good?

It's for my project with my friend. And I need to research why changing from plastic to aluminum or whatever is good for you the earth and all of that. Good things. My friend researches the bad things it can do. Like local.A reason why changing from plastic bottles to aluminum bottles is good?Plastic can melt through the bottle after a while and it is said this is a cause of cancer.
A reason why changing from plastic bottles to aluminum bottles is good?
aluminum you can reuse, most plastic goes to landfills, plastic do not desintegrate in more than a 100 years
A reason why changing from plastic bottles to aluminum bottles is good?
Cost too much.....
Well the most important one of all... plastic is not decomposable although it is recyclable and so is aluminum...
Well if you switch to aluminum than you can reuse it over and over again. Not that you can't for regular plastic bottles, but it would last longer, and stay colder or warmer depending what your drinking.
metal can be melted down and reused

plastic when burned, produces extremely harmfull gases into the environment
Aluminum is easily recyclable (like cans), also it keeps the drink colder longer. However, the same way cans and plastic bottles tast slightly different, these probably will too. Also, nothing compares to a nice glass bottle soda. I think one bad thing is that the drink vending machines will mess them up. i can imagine them being easily dented....
Plastic is man-made, but aluminum is a naturally occurring element. It takes a lot of energy to create plastic, and there is some debate as to whether or not it's dangerous when burned or melted. Aluminum is a very abundant natural resource that is easy to mine and use.
Plastics takes forever to decay, and now there is a 'river' of floating plastic in the Pacific ocean and it's harming fish and wildlife.

Aluminum is reusable. Plastic is recyclable, but only a few times, and never for the same purpose as it breaks down every time. Aluminum is Aluminum. You melt it down and it's still Aluminum.

Plus Aluminum is found naturally while Plastic is not, so having aluminum in the dumps is not a big deal like plastic.
It takes more energy to make plastic than it does to make aliminum. Also, aluminum can be recycled.
We changed to light stainless steel bottles; we re-fill them with our good quality city water and avoid buying, then recycling so many plastic bottles (which need lots of processing to recycle). Plus, we lower any potential risk for compounds the leach from plastic.
There is evidence that exposure to Aluminum or ingesting metals leads to Alzheimers and other brain issues.

And, most people don't realize how much aluminum they do consume....

Anti-Perspirants are all Aluminum based (Deodorants are NOT)

Soda cans

Cooking ware is often aluminum

Plastic isn't perfect, but it doesn't have the baggage of Aluminum as long as you are using the right kind of plastic.
Aluminium can be recyled again and again and this saves lots of energy.

Plastic bottles are harder to recycle, there is about 8 different types of plastic. Also plastic is made from oil so uses up fossil fuels which are running out.
plastic bottles take up too much land fill and are harder to recycle than cans.
Plastic may not be healthy due to some chemicals used to make the bottles and not worth the effort to recycle. Aluminum will not leach chemicals and it makes for a better recycle candidate, plus it can be somewhat lucrative.
I have done research on bottled water for a college course and have discovered that plastic releases toxins into the beverage over time and through improper storage. Also plastic releases 100 times more toxins into the air when manufactured than their glass counterparts. Sorry, no aluminum data handy. You can receive money more easily for aluminum cans at a recycling site than plastic bottles. Just ask grandpa! In addition, plastic uses the same oil that is used to produce gasoline. So would you rather drink out of plastic or fuel your vehicle, or neither?
Its healthier, its cheaper, its sustaniable. So it good for your body, your pocket and the planet.
Plastic bottles sometimes contain chemicals that could cause some types of cancer and it is better to switch to aluminum cans because you can recycle them and reuse them better for the environment