Sunday 5 June 2011

After the debate tonight, i have decided to vote for Stephen Colbert, what about you?

For my very first election, I am penciling in Stephen Colbert.

Let%26#039;s see how many people actually do it with me. :)

Most old people will vote for McCain, most young people for Obama, statistically.

Can we change that?

I wonder how many percent will actually vote for him, and if it will be that drastic.

Even if it%26#039;s only one percent, that%26#039;s a lot. Do you think that many people watch the show?

I want to know...

1. Would you vote for him?

2. For what reasons would you vote for him?

--more than just he%26#039;s better than the candidates.

3. What percent of the country watches his show?

--what you think, or if you know.

3. What percent of the country do you think will vote for him?

If you are writing him in, convince your friends to do it also.

|||This last debate made me even more sure that I want to vote for Obama.|||man i would vote for stephen colbert or john stewert ANY DAY! hahah

|||I will not waste my vote. I%26#039;m voting for.....

Obama / Biden 08!!!!

Yeah. THAT ONE!|||I am a big Colbert fan.

I think it%26#039;s so funny that he%26#039;s supporting Obama. He kills me.|||IM 28 AND VOTING FOR MCCAIN... I DONT CONSIDER MYSELF OLD!!|||NO! still voting OBAMA|||I am an %26quot;OLD%26quot; person.... I vote OBAMA !!!|||Here is something to think about for all that want to %26quot;pencil%26quot; in someone%26#039;s name. You should actually cast a vote, because the lack of your vote does nothing. You have no impact whatsoever. Keeping that in mind, with as much voter fraud that has occurred, do you want to surrender your vote to the wrong candidate? Because, the fake votes are what are speaking for you if you don%26#039;t choose. KEEP YOUR RIGHT TO CHOOSE, please. You don%26#039;t have to love either one of them, but don%26#039;t hand them over to fake votes.|||He is a joke .. as well as your question ....|||No not me. I know Obama is the man for the job.I support him and Biden. I support their plans. I like the vision they have for our future.

I like Colbert but I want Obama for my President.|||Stehen Colbert is a funny man with an equally funny show. As the United States President however, he is vastly under qualified. A grassroots effort is also what I am imploring people to do with their vote as well. Only please pick a candidate already on the ballot. Otherwise why waste you vote. The responsible thing to do is vote for the rest and leave the top two evils out of it.|||It%26#039;s funny. Colbert tells jokes. Obama is a joke!鈥?/a>|||I would only vote for him if really didn%26#039;t like any candidates,but if I was old enought to vote,I%26#039;d vote for Obama on November 4th|||personally, i think jon would be a better president!|||Why not? He%26#039;s better then the other two.|||NEVER HEARD OF HIM... SO NOPE..