Sunday 5 June 2011

Europe for 2 months, what necesseties do I need & What can I bring on my carry-on ?

Hi I%26#039;m a teenager going to Europe for 2 months in 3 days! I%26#039;m excited but stressed out!! Please help me! I have started packing my clothes but what else do I need? The necessities? And I haven%26#039;t been on a plane for 5 years so I think the stuff has changed for what you can bring on your carry-on... like I know you can%26#039;t bring nail clippers, scissors, lighters, and any liquids on the plane, but what about lithium batteries? My camera is a lithium battery, and I read that TSA said that you need to bring lithium batteries with your carry-on and not in your luggage. Pleas,e I need this all straightened-out. I don%26#039;t want any items confiscated etc, and I%26#039;m the only one in my family doing this research. Thankyou!!|||cellphone, camera, ipod or some sort of entertainment on the plane, a foreign language dictionary (if needed), First aid, Band-Aids, Birth control (if you need it haha), pain reliever, Prescription medicine, Addresses for sending postcards/e-mail, Auto insurance card, CASH, Copy of medical history, Driver%26#039;s license/international driver%26#039;s license, Emergency numbers and embassy address (This is a must), airline tickets, passport and visa, Pre-paid phone card, Travelers checks and receipt (keep separate), Anti-bacterial wipes, Sunscreen.

Quick list this what i normally bring when i go abroad