Monday 17 October 2011

Birth control pill - changing time of day when travelling?

I am planning a trip to Europe in February, but I'm starting on the birth control pill for the first time tomorrow (Yasmin). I want to take it at 5:30pm here because I'm most likely to remember it then, but then it will be 1:30am while I'm away and I'm afraid I won't always be awake or likely to remember to take it at this time.

Is it possible to switch the time of day I take the pill if I change the time for the entire month that I am away: ie if I start taking the pill at 9am my time in February so it will be 5pm while I'm in Europe? And then the next month can I return to taking it at 5:30 my time? I know you are supposed to take it at the same time everyday, but I wasn't sure if this meant always or just throughout each cycle. Any tips would be much appreciated.

Thanks!Birth control pill - changing time of day when travelling?If you change the time between cycles, it will not alter the efficacy. If you are mid-cycle, you have a 3 hour %26quot;window%26quot; in which it is safe to take the pill with no worries of loss of efficacy, meaning 3 hours before or after your scheduled dose. I would suggest waiting until you start the pack you'll have in Europe to switch the time of day.
Birth control pill - changing time of day when travelling?
Late to this issue - in fairness, I don't have any unplanned children. Firstly, why wouldn't you settle for speaking to your doctor? If you don't want more than one, your first child can adjust your travel alarm for you for 15 years. Isn't this a vast, life-changing issue?

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Birth control pill - changing time of day when travelling?
There is a reason you are supposed to take the pill at the same time every day. If you go longer than 24hours without taking your pill, there is always the chance of ovulating and becoming pregant if you have intercourse. So you will need to make a decision about what is more important. Taking the pill at 1:30a.m in the morning or taking a chance of becoming pregnant. This means take your pill every day at the same time always so you do not risk the chance of an unwanted pregnancy, for as long as you are on the pill.

I am a health care provider, and more than one woman has become pregnant from missing or taking her pill later on in the day or night.
yeah, it's fine if you change the time you take it from pack to pack (one pack always at 5pm and the next pack at 9am for example...same time of day doesn't apply to every pack forever)...and it probably wouldn't hurt if you changed the time of day mid-pack while you were on your trip, but I can't speak specifically for the new types of pills out there so if you go that route, then ask your doc first....
After each cycle (meaning after your inactive pills, the ones where you get your period), you can change the time of day. ONLY then though.
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