Wednesday 26 October 2011

What heralds in the changing of the tide? Is it the moon in her fullness?

Are the winds of change always blowing, sometimes just a featherly light breeze and other times a hurricane's gale?

Is God or Allah directing even the smallest footsteps of his every child? Are the Fates weaving and cutting their cloth?

How does one go from feeling runover by the forces of change, to feeling they're on the lead horse directing the charge?

Is it better/right to have a friend to lean on as you make the transition, or is it important for character and growth to muddle through on your own?

When you reflect on your steps, how have you done the above in the past, what will you do in future?What heralds in the changing of the tide? Is it the moon in her fullness?it's good to chart your own path. but for those times you need guidance or just help in charting your own waters (you ARE setting your own footsteps!) it's nice to have a soft place to land.

sometimes it's those smallest light breezes that have more power than the strongest gales. if you listen closely TO them, the quiet answers are often written on their drifts. if the storm seems too overpowering, remember there is a calm eye in the center. find one safe place to be when all else is falling down around you, and take refuge. you'll know in your heart when you're there.

if the lead horse is meant to be ridden by you, i have every faith that you will find her and ride her like the wind. reflect on your past, anticipate your future.

god, allah, and the moon are watching, but this task is YOURS, along with whatever help you choose to allow.
What heralds in the changing of the tide? Is it the moon in her fullness?
Beautiful answer! :)

And,one month later...the moon is watching you! ;)

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What heralds in the changing of the tide? Is it the moon in her fullness?
WOW, Sage!

I am not even going to attempt to top you, or Patz.

You two are both poets!


lol, Thanks! :-))
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