Wednesday 26 October 2011

What are the long term effects for not using the clutch when changing gears? (on a dirt bike)?

Is it bad for the engine or gear box or some part of the bike in the long run if you keep on not using the clutch while changing gears?

Any effects in the short term?What are the long term effects for not using the clutch when changing gears? (on a dirt bike)?I raced motocross for years and never used a clutch to up shift after the bike was moving.I did use it for down shifting. I never had any trouble with the gear box
What are the long term effects for not using the clutch when changing gears? (on a dirt bike)?
It will mash up your Gear Wheels, any bearings, your chains and sporkets. They are all replaceable.
What are the long term effects for not using the clutch when changing gears? (on a dirt bike)?
What Jimi said
You wouldn't do it on a car, and that's because of what's already mentioned. The clutch is used to change gear to gear without grinding, meaning longer life. It'd be stupid and lazy not to use your clutch, on anything. And it will cost you money.
i think actual race motor cross bikes were inteded to be used clutch less as every second they are off the power counts but given that you probably wont be wanting to rebuild your engine every other week i would stick with useing the clutch other wise you will be literally changing gears,

with a new one
long term effects...the money you are going to be spending to FIX the clutch and gearbox when you continually ruin it in the SHORT can blow the clutch any time doing that.

There is a REASON for the clutch on the bike...and if you don't know what it is for, you shouldn't be riding it!
I believe that when properly timed (by matching revs) power shifting (i.e. clutch-less shifting) does not necessarily damage a bike. I started doing it as a young kid on my Yamaha DT50, then on my Kawasaki 100. I had the 1st bike for a year and the 2nd for 3 years and I never had a problem out of either one.

And besides, I can be fun and it feels satisfying when you pull it off smoothly.
there arent any. the clutch does not serv as any a type of mechanical sympathy when changing gear on a bike due to the design of the gears and the way they engage. you will get exactly the same wear on the gears and bearings using and not using the clutch. it is only gearboxes with synchro engagement that require a clutch such as car gearboxes, it is the synchros that grind when you dont use a clutch in a car dirt bikes dont have them and have no need for them.
yeah i wouldn't recommend it. its grinding parts together but you can always replace them. just depends on how much money you are willing to spend on your dirtbike in the long run.
Call your dealer and order some new shift forks.
if you know what you are doing nothing will happen, except you won't ever have to replace the clutch.
on the majority of mototrbikes you only need to use the clutch when you pull away or wanna stop. all dirt bikes especially have a dog engagement gearbox which means there are no synchros and are designed to change gear without the use of a clutch, the only other reason for having a clutch on a dirt bike is for stunts so you can lift the revs in a higher gear than 1st pop the clutch and wheelie or dip the clutch on the brow of a hill then wack the throttle back while letting the clutch out to spin the back tire so it beds into the mud givin much better traction as you pass over the hill etc so if you just riding normally you dont need to use the clutch once your moving i raced motocross for 4 years and i hardly ever used the clutch and now im a motorcycle mechanic
Replacing the tranny.
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