Friday 7 October 2011

Do you believe changing the Constitution to institute federalism will help the development of the Philippines?

Malaca帽ang said it wants the 1987 Charter amended to support a Senate resolution calling for a change to a federal form of government. Senators who signed the resolution are now suspicious however that what Arroyo really wants is to extend her term. Share your thoughts and tell us why you believe this will or will not help the country.Do you believe changing the Constitution to institute federalism will help the development of the Philippines?It%26#039;s possible. Federalism worked in other countries, perhaps this could also lift our country from the economic quagmire it has fallen into these past decades. But then again, any system will work for as long as people will unite behind a leader. Unfortunately, the long agitation for the ouster of Marcos has created in our people a cynical attitude towards anyone sitting at the highest position of power. Just look back on all governments installed since the EDSA Revolution- from Cory to Ramos to Erap and now Gloria - they all share the situation when towards the end of their constitutionally set term, they have to make seemingly alarming political moves to ensure they would remain effective until the very last day they hold office. This is all because the 1987 constitution possesses a major flaw: it was largely formulated as an antithesis to Marcos, not really for what real good it could do for the people. So what is good for the people? We have tried out an all-out American based set of basic laws that is monolithic and highly centralized. Why not try decentralization of power? Perhaps if our country would be divided into self-ruling federal states, more and more brighter people with great leadership abilities could come to the fore and lead his state to a position of political, economic and social stability. Historically speaking, federalism is not a stranger to the Filipino. Another thing, we often hear of local governments run along more progressive lines than the central government. Perhaps under federalism, with some states better run than others, the rest of the nation will find a paradigm they could emulate in their own states, after all, in a federal republic, there is still a basic law that would keep our nation together, checking out excesses in member states. We talk so much about empowering the people, what greater empowerment is there but for more and more of our people getting a shot at running the affairs of their home provinces or regions under federalism?
Do you believe changing the Constitution to institute federalism will help the development of the Philippines?
I am into changing it to federalism. For one it cuts the red tapes and non-sense bureaucratic processes that lines mostly the pockets of higher officials. At this way, the local government or leaders of the state has power to impose and to govern independently to develop their own cities, accountable to their citizen.

They make this fuzz about using federalism to extend the term of the president or any subsequent leaders who wants to stay in power for that matter.

So, why cant they make it a law upon passing federalism to NOT allow any term extension so to settle the issue. We can have a federalism that is not copied word for word but that caters %26amp; best apply to the needs of the Filipino people by making restrictions that still applies to the making of independent states thats answerable to higher authority.
Do you believe changing the Constitution to institute federalism will help the development of the Philippines?
No because of the context that it is just being used as a ploy by an illegitimate, corrupt, highly unpopular and non-credible president to extend her term of office so that she and her husband can continue with their conjugal plunder.

Her actions is reminiscent of her father who sold out the Philippine claim to Sabah just so he could achieve diplomatic popularity with his spearheading of the MAPHILINDO.

Geographical fragmentation is not the answer at this point in time. The quality of political leadership is the key to Philippine development.

While I believe that federalism is a serious option that should be looked into, it should be done after 2010 when the cheating and plundering president is out of office constitutionally, either by election or otherwise (death in office is provided for by the constitution).
There%26#039;s no point changing.

What%26#039;s the positive difference? It might even be a way to prolong their rule of corrupted power.

Also, imitating USA does nothing, especially for people who don%26#039;t know how it works. It%26#039;s not the form of government; it%26#039;s who is the government and the people who wishes to be governed.

We must consider two fundamental things that help a nation flourish:

#1: the government must be of pure heart and prioritizes the prosperity of the people as a whole, not themselves only.

#2: The people must cooperate towards the greater good. If something is wrong, they must do something about it.

By experience, we have a problem with #1.
Our country has experience this kind of ideas from our past presidents.Remember how President Ferdinand Marcos changed our government into a somehow dictatorship even though the nation complained about this kind of government President Marcos still managed to make so many improvements in this country the thing they hated about it is that they have a limited freedom of Speech how did the people solved this?By protesting,of course and that ended Marcos rule.President Arroyo is seen as a woman who is plunging this nation to a world of taxes Why?because people look at taxes as if it is the heaviest burden they have experienced and I know why because some Politicians use it for there own expenses.People see the change of this government as a way extend her term.Yes,it might be way to extend her term because in the Federal Form of Government The representatives of each state are the ones who would nominate from one of them.True,it might a form of extending her term but will that help our country?Please tell me if you think it will help our country.
As good as federalism might be, it%26#039;s still a No. The government is not ready, financially and politically, to be a Federal government. Firstly, it needs a lot of funds, which we don%26#039;t have (at least, the pubic coffers don%26#039;t have). Also, it needs a lot of cooperation and very efficient members/officials, which we don%26#039;t have as well.

It%26#039;ll be better to focus on the internal problems of the country first before tinkering with their policies. Once they solved most of the big problems and are capable enough, then that%26#039;s the time they can consider this.

Yes,I am advocating for Charter Change since immemorial we need to Change to Federal Form of Government with the same form of Constitution, so that every Federal States can develop their Own Development Initiatives for more balance,without hindering from any Governmental or Branch of Institution and it will help more for the better of our country.

Regarding to Madam Arroyo she will not Extend her Term, we will look for a %26quot;Good,Better%26quot; Leader that will Lead us without Tarnish and I%26#039;d been %26quot;Praying Hard%26quot; that we may %26quot;FIND%26quot; a Leader with a %26quot;Clean Integrity and Good Deeds%26quot; with %26quot;GOOD TECHNICAL AND ENGINEERING BACKGROUND%26quot;.Please help us.
At this point in time, Charter Change is uncalled for and would not foster development in the Philippines and would benefit only a few. This move is just a grand design to maintain the status quo in government. What the present government should indulge into is a %26quot;Moral Recovery Program in Government%26quot; to fast track and install the necessary ethical standards of governance. Graft and corruption have been a malignant disease in government. Let us not repeat the %26quot;Katipunan Era%26quot; where abuses were tolerated because of misfits in government.
No I Don%26#039;t!!!! If the intentions of changing the constitution is evil and will only serve them, even if you change the law on a daily basis, it will not be productive. What the Filipino%26#039;s need is a leader or leaders, who will have a clear and intention of running the country. There is too much politics all over. The Politicians and local leaders are only narrating better future. Most of the ordinary people do not like our leaders any more. You can see it through the turnout of voters, which is only averaging around 30%. This means that most of the people do not believe with our present set of leaders
Think about the present economic situation first of the majority of the Filipinos living below poverty line like improving our social services such as education, health, job creation, and rural development rather than changing our Constitution.

It will not solve our present problem and if the government leaders and employees are not changing their bad habits, the culture of corruption and bribery will remain the same.

Automated elections is much better to pass as soon as possible to reduce crime related to elections. Last May 2007 senatorial elections, it takes about a month before the candidate proclaims.

If they want to change our Philippine constitution, please make our laws regards to access devices, especially nowadays that massive technological use like cellphones, laptops, and other devices- may be subject to abuse and fraud.
NO! definitely no because federalism is not a good kind of government as i recall it is a government with a central and local governments wherein the central is in control of all the local ones. I think that she%26#039;s trying to open cha-cha to be able to renew laws and make her term longer so it comes out that she is supporting cha-cha for her own interests and benefits. So I say NO! to cha-cha if they are to change the form of government, I prefer that they switch it to Parliamentary Democracy because Pure Democracy will just lead the country in chaos. So a Prime Minister would be better off and a President who will really lead his or her own country in a good and honest way. Graft and Corruption are already in our Government so why should we elect same leaders who we know will do nothing good for us but only for their own good and interests? I am not talking about a specific Person but this is just my OPINION.
Going federalism will enhance disunity among Filipinos. Our leaders should show us the right direction for our future development via the present Constitution and not by changing it if they are really competent. I suspect that the hidden agenda of the present administration is to disunite all regions so that it will be difficult for the opposition to unite the country in reversing the trend of corruption and bring to justice the crook leaders.Then, these people manipulating our law and governance for their selfish interests will always be in power as long as they exist.
First of all if we want to change a political present system is during the term of the president at early stage not on the way out stage. It is on her advantage really if the people agrees changes in the country then the present president benefits of the situation to extend her term, so the best for this kind of plan is when there%26#039;s newly elected president.

Besides it%26#039;s visible that arroyo family are profitting of the situation to make their pockets rich and be one of those called Millionaire or Billionaire.
A Big Resounding YES. We are living in an archipelago, with a very diverse culture. With Federalism, we in the Visayas and in Mindanao can get what I consider a fairer share of what we contributed in our coffers, contrary to the present, where the national government only decides how to divide the pie. Our Muslim brothers in Mindanao can now implement their own laws, for instance, which they see fit for their culture. As for the lame excuse of wanting to extend the president%26#039;s term, a simple solution would be those who say they are in favor of federalism but afraid of the extension of Arroyo%26#039;s term, why not be vigilant and actively participate in the drafting of the new charter making sure that what they fear will never come true. GO FEDERALISM, go BISAYA, go FILIPINO!

At first, i thought %26#039;NO%26#039;. then, I found this:

What are the advantages of doing this 鈥?meaning to shift to a Federal System? Well, to some of the advantages are:

1. Free our countrysides from the imperialistic hold of Metro Manila.

2. Promote balance Development.

3. Dismantle the Mother of Political Patronage.

4. Apply the principle of subsidiarity in governance by assigning functions, authorities and funds to local governments which they can effectively and efficiently exercise thus bringing the government closer to the people.

5. Minimize graft and corruption.

6. Finally solve the Mindanao Conflict.

7. Release the creative and competitive spirit of our people while promoting initiative and independence.

It%26#039;s very convincing.

While I personally would prefer to be in one and as awesome as Federalism is, we%26#039;re not ready. We%26#039;re poor and stuck with a lot of corruption in the government as it is, and I fear that changing the style of government isn%26#039;t going to do anything but create political dynasties and increase the problems we%26#039;re already facing.

I mean, come on. Who can tell me they honestly don%26#039;t think either side is going to try to manipulate and resort to who knows what to get what they want with a federal government? (or maybe I%26#039;m just being to pessimistic. %26gt; A%26gt; )

Though, I%26#039;m not sure keeping things as they are is going to be of any benefit to us either.

Maybe try fixing other more pressing matters before going off into all the politics? IDK %26lt; A%26lt;
Cha Cha should not be considered until after the 2010 elections in which it might be an issue. I am doubtful it would be helpful myself the local city and municipality%26#039;s Mayors city engineers council members even judges being even more graft filled and corrupt then the central government itself, Most filipinos here in mindanao are aware of that.Its likely if one took the moneys misappropriated by local authority%26#039;s placed them in one pile it would be the largest mountain in the country . in fact the amount would likely far pass the zte swine scam fertiliser and other rip offs of public funds still ongoing..

%26quot;The US and GMA are using the peace talks with the MILF to pursue their respective agenda. For GMA to perpetuate herself in power, and for the US strategic interest of re-establishing permanent military bases in the country and intensify its plunder of our natural resources,%26quot; said Rep. Rafael Mariano of party-list Anakpawis. -article from Yahoo! Philippines



Why did Gloria said she was not going for cha-cha?

Why did she go for it when some %26quot;foreigner%26quot; visited our country?

what country is our number one priority in supplying with rice?

Although federalism is a good system, the reputation of the Malaca帽ang not serving the interests of the people is widespread. that is why reasons are %26quot;suspect%26quot;. The reason for Malaca帽ang to push federalism because of the MILF is not very well justified and too sudden. the term %26quot;GMA tuta ng amerikano%26quot; has truth. I just hope we don%26#039;t let other countries treat us as a colony.

If this comes to pass, I hope that we aren%26#039;t annexed to a federalist country like the US. with guam nearby who knows.
Changing the present form of government is not the KEY to developing the country%26#039;s economy, nor the solution in solving problem in Mindanao.

Walang dapat baguhin sa ating gobyerno - ang dapat na baguhin ay ang makasariling pananaw ng ibang opisyales sa pamahalaan! Shame on you government officials! Eradicate greediness within you! Be true to your self PUBLIC SERVANTS. Serve your countrymen not thy selves. Nagpapakabusog sa kaban ng bayan!?! O, God damn you!

I would strongly say - NO! NO! NO! ... no to CHA-CHA.

NO to changing of the constitution. Every time an elected president came to power, and their terms are almost to expire, they are planning to change the constitution, changing the constitution will not help the poor filipino, why not change the CORRUPT officials and especially to those KAMAG-ANAK officials.
I do not believe the real motive of the Arroyo%26#039;s administration is to further develop the Philippines; to improve the economy; to attain peace and order. I am of the opinion that Gloria Arroyo has malicious intent to extent her term even beyond 2010. Since she has the majority

of the congress people under her control she might be able to accomplish her ambition. Poor Filipino people! We pray God will intervene.

Duh! If you guys of the government want to change the Charter, then provide us with your ideas and proposals first and let the citizens share their interests before implementing it. Filipinos must get involve in this issue. Hello! And if this only leads to Mrs. Arroyo%26#039;s extension, then, no to Cha-cha. Hirap na nga buhay ng Pinoy madadagdagan pa ng isang term of six years. Gagawin tayong pulutan na tinapon sa kangkongan.
A very big NO is my answer. Changing our constitution to institute federalism will NOT help the development of our country. The government should and must focus on the present problems of our country like Graft and Corruption in the different government agencies, Poverty and the War in Mindanao which I think it%26#039;s the government%26#039;s fault by not telling the truth of the MOA to the people of the Philippines.
Development of the Philippines will depend on how we governed ourselves, on how we work hard, discipline ourselves and respond to avert the present crisis. If each one of us will be humble, really honest, share a helping hand and look forward for the betterment of the society, then, changing the constitution or not will not matter anymore.
YES, as long as

- Arroyo doesn%26#039;t extend her term

- The Central Government still has a say and answer to what these other %26quot;states%26quot; do, unlike the proposal on the MOA of the Bangsamoro Juridical Entity wherein we%26#039;d virtually have another %26quot;country%26quot; inside ours.

Let%26#039;s try something new.

See? The automation of the election worked in ARMM. That was something that some people really didn%26#039;t like before, but turns out, it was good.

It MIGHT be the same with the Federal form of government... hopefully. :)
It鈥檚 really hard to tell not until we鈥檙e in, but I do believe that the predicament is not the constitution, whether presidential, parliamentary or federalism, what we need to consider is the prime mover of the nation. Hate to say this, Filipinos are exhausted. Better pray for what is right, love our own, work hard and live with dignity, be vigilant for the benefit of our people and ask for God鈥檚 grace for He knows what the best is.
i strongly believe that cha-cha is not the answer to the growing problem of our country... it is the mind set of every filipino people, rich or poor. most specially the leaders of our mother land... pro administration or opposition they are all the same. as long as their vested interests will previal, no form of government will succeed. it is just so sickening when you see these %26quot;leaders-- politicians%26quot; grab every opportunity to grab the mic %26amp; face the camera for publicity. enough is enough!!!
absolutely it will not help our worsening country!!! charter change is not advisable but personal change must be realized especially to high political leaders. This sounds ridiculous but we really don%26#039;t have these. My countrymen this is what i see, a challenge to all the politicians, what%26#039;s really your purpose in running for the office? If and only if we will not think of ourselves, our own benefits then the poor will be elevated even a little by little...Political dynasty for what? Why you will not share to others who are more deserving on that position?

So these are what we encounter now...its not the constitution but the ones who implements it! Now if we start, on this very moment as soon as you read this message, change ourselves, ask guidance from our Almighty Father, this is not impossible? Philippines is the no. 1 catholic in Asia but why we%26#039;re on the midst of darkness? Did you ever think of this? So i still believe that our beloved Pinas can still go back to its full strength if and only if we start change ourselves first. Perhaps we can%26#039;t experienced right away the effect but i%26#039;m sure our children of tomorrow will be very very much happy and thankful to us because everyone of us becomes hero for them...since there%26#039;s no more J.Rizal and Lapu2x this time but we can be if we want....remember that in SHARING, MIRACLE HAPPENS...

mabuhay ang bansang Pilipinas at mga Pilipino...

God bless us all...
I personally believe changing the constitution to institute federalism will not help our country at this time. Malacanang just wanted to take advantage of the senate resolution to achieve their own vested interests. As a nation we had witnessed that even a change of leadership didn%26#039;t do it much more a change in the form of government.

As a nation we need to humble ourselves before God to show mercy upon us because we have done many things that grieved the heart of God. Let us try kneeling %26amp; crying out to God with repentant hearts acknowledging that we have truly transgressed against God.

a big NO!

not only because of the timing nor the present leaders in the government are not trustworthy....but because we as Filipinos are not ready or will never be ready to have a federal form of government...we ousted dictatorship more than 20 years ago...and this time we want it again...federalism will result to dictatorship and more private armies, considering present politicians in the provinces has their own artilleries. yes...federalism will stop rallies against corruption, shouting for truth, and etc...but it is more likely to make PEDRO be poor and more poorer 100% if federalism will happen. Yes, Federalism is ideal, but more vulnerable to corruption (hidden) ang gusto ng Malacanang...wala nang public hearings sa mga projects(hidden din) nila.

It is not the form of government that%26#039;s the problem, but the people who runs it, they think they are better than the rest of us, they eat, ****, sleep, even fart like the rest of us, if it was not for the %26quot;people%26quot; they would not have been were they are now, they owe us, we don%26#039;t owe them a dam thing, we %26quot;the people%26quot; are the one%26#039;s paying these ingrates they%26#039;re salaries, and yet they treat us like we%26#039;re 2 yr old%26#039;s and they perform like adults to us, Please! you people at the government should get a life a real one, like the one%26#039;s your stepping on to, you should get laid more often, potbellied, short in stature, hair vanishing, %26quot;palamunin ng taong bayan%26quot;, You will have you%26#039;re time of trial, and believe me when you do, it will be a day of defeat, the day you will realized how stupid you people really are.