Friday 7 October 2011

What are possible reasons (besides pregnancy) for a missed period?

I am currently on the pill. I'm sexually active. No, I'm not stressed, ill, rapidly losing weight, overweight, my diet hasn't changed recently and I haven't gone on any new medications. Normally, my period is so regular you could set a calendar by it, but it didn't come this month. I took two pregnancy tests and they were both negative.

Someone told me they could be negative because I didn't take them in the morning. Is that true? And are there any other reasons why I would skip my period?What are possible reasons (besides pregnancy) for a missed period?ive had many problems with this before..

Ive probably had every symptom...

im on the pill too, and its supposed to suppress my hormons ect.

Have you been takking your pill everyday at the same time? Everyday needs to be on the same hr.

If you take diffrent hrs everyday. It will alter your cycle.

You may also have a close friend. or a woman you always stay around or hang around. Your cycle can change to match with hers.

YOu may have an ovarian cyst.

i know i missed a cycle one time because of this.

You may think you are not stressed. but your body says other.

YOu may be fighting off sometype of viris too

You may have taken a pregnancy test to early..

And yes. Usually the best time to take a test is in the morning.

The tests you may have boughten ARE OR ARE NOT sensitive.

every test is diffrent-

im not sure else how to explain what i have to say...

But i know alot of this.
What are possible reasons (besides pregnancy) for a missed period?
Yes, they are more accurate if you take them in the morning when you wake up. Try doing another one (in the morning) and see what your result is.

My guess is that it is your birth control messing up your cycle. I got really out-of-whack when I was on the pill. I would keep waiting, and as long as you are not in any pain or anything, just be patient. Give it a week or two and call your doctor if it still hasn't come. :)