Friday 7 October 2011

Will 45 minutes of aerobics a day help you lose weight if you do not changing your diet?

I just started exercising again. I am doing about 45 minutes of aerobics and 15 minutes of abdominal exercise a day. Is this enough to help me lose weight. Is changing my diet along with exercise the only way to lose weight, or will exercise alone do it over time. I know that building muscle helps you burn more fat, so is that enough to help me lose weight? I have been exercising for about 3 weeks and have actually put on some weight.Will 45 minutes of aerobics a day help you lose weight if you do not changing your diet?Yes, building muscle helps burn fat, as you increase your metabolism.

But to see results quickly, and get the most out of it, it's probably best to change your diet. Have a juicy apple and reward yourself at the end of each week by having a treat, whether it is a small piece of chocolate, or a trip to the spa (for girls he he).

Find out what healthy foods you love, and include them in your diet, and alongside things that you're not so keen on. So, if you love carrots, but hate broccoli, combine carrots and broccoli in a meal, so at least your having a large variety of foods.

Also for building muscles in particular, you need plenty of protein, such as fish.
Will 45 minutes of aerobics a day help you lose weight if you do not changing your diet?
i dont know. i know a woman who eats 4500 cal a day and does alot of exersize. she still gains weight. its best if you eat healthy. if its 45 min a day then you migh loose some weigh if you are more than 25 lbs over weight. AND if your diet is 2500 or less. if your ave. diet is around there and your normal weight you will most likely just end up hitting your perfect %26quot;set point%26quot;. look up set poiunt to find out what i mean. its pritty easy to understand.
Will 45 minutes of aerobics a day help you lose weight if you do not changing your diet?
muscle weighs more than fat.

you should change your diet to, i know that when i work out hard, i dont like to destroy my hard work by eating unhealthy.
Its good that you are excersising, but you really need to watch what you are eating. Try to limit your calories to 1500 a day it really helps and you lose weight even if you dont excersise but excersising makes it go faster. A site that helped me is鈥?/a> you should check it out
the weight your probbly putting on is mucsle weight try getting a tape measure and keeping note of your chest waist and hips which would give you a better idea then just by going by weight alone

if you keep your diet the same and do more exersise you will loose weight same as just cutting down on a few calories can make you loose weight.

all you need to do is make a slight defisit in the amout of calories eatten to burned.. as long as you burn more then you eat you will loose weight

also when you exeersise you gain muscle and muscle weights more then fat
Nope exercise alone is a very very VERY poor way to change your weight. If you want to lose weight you MUST (notice I didn't say you should, I said MUST) change your diet!

You MUST find out how many calories you need and then subtract 500 from that # to give you how many cals you need to eat to lose 1 pound a week. Use to track your cals.

General rule for weight loss is to eat 1200 for females and 1500 for males, (some people need less) and make sure no more than 40% of diet is from carbs! If you keep eating carbs, even if they are good ones (Fruits etc) you'll just keep telling your body to never go near the fat stores because there will always be a steady supply of glucose (carbs).

Keep working out because it's good for your heart and muscles and you'll get fit but unless you change your diet, you won't look it.

Good luck!
Aerobic exercise will burn calories but the best way to lose weight is to build muscle. The muscle will raise your metabolism and keep burning calories 24/7. You don't have to bulk up but muscle building is the way to go. As far as changing your diet, you don't have to change your diet to get SOME results. But by not changing your diet your results will come much slower and you will probably lose motivation to workout at all. Most exercise or diet plans fail because we lose motivation. If the results do not come fast enough, if the results aren't what we expected, or if the whole thing is just to difficult or time consuming. The best way is to change your lifestyle. Don't diet, just start eating healthier. Don't make your workouts so difficult that you dread doing them or so long that it is to difficult to find the time. If all of it is a hasle you eventually will stop doing everything and start you path on a yo yo diet. Don't punish yourself. Your not %26quot;bad%26quot; because your out of shape
Muscle weighs more that fat does so that could explain your weight gain. You will probably not gain any weight and may lose a pound or two. If you also eat less fat (ie cheese and fatty meats) you could lose alot more inches. You will probably lose more inches than fat. If you eat less pasta and bread, exercise, switch to whole grains like brown rice and eatless fat you will lose much faster.