Friday 7 October 2011

Changing my manual transmission fluid, help?

Got a few questions. Okay first Its a 3004 Dodge SRT-4 and I'm planning on changing the manual transmission fluid. I looked in the manual and it has a recommendation for the type of fluid however it does not say the quantity? I even called the dealership to ask and they didn't even know. I have no clue how much fluid to buy. Second, why does the manual reccomend automatic transmission fluid for my manual and third this is the first time i've changed trans fluid so if you have any tips or anything please tell me.Changing my manual transmission fluid, help?get under youre car and on the bottom driver sid there is a plug take it out when done draining put plug back in and up a little hgher there is another plug remove it put fluid in hole put plug back in and youre done ps when its full it will run out of hole
Changing my manual transmission fluid, help?
Use the reccomended transmission fluid. And should be a drain plug in the bottom of the housing. The correct amount should be when it starts to drain from the fill plug (located halfway up on the trans housing). You can remove the fill plug prior to draining, and put your pinky into the hole pointing down to check the level, you should be able to touch it unless you had a leak present.

PS. Reason why most new cars use Trans fluid in manual transmissions rather than the old tried and true 90 weight ya find in your old muscle cars is, the trans fluid causes less pressure stress on the trans seals.
Changing my manual transmission fluid, help?
well a 2004 car should not need the fluid changed. however if uoy go into an autofactors they can supply the oil you will need. second you just drain it from the lower drain plug then fill in the upper plug on the gear box most of the time if you just fill till oil comes out the hole you have enough
Transmission fluid is the same for manual and automatic. Remove the drain nut and drain the fluid. There should be a filler nut near the top of the unit. You have to use a hand pump to pump the fluid in. keep checking the level by inserting your finger. When the fluid is near the bottom of the filler nut hole then that should be enough. You may need 4 quarts.
all you do is fill it till it comes out the top hole

my sug get 4qts and you could do it agin next year
May I suggest a good grade gear oil like 85w/95w sytheic gear oil, drain from the bottom and fill it on the size u such need about 5 quarts
fill til it comes out of fill hole.. the manual tranny are better build do not need a heavy oil ..
The use of Auto trans. fluid is that the old 85-90w. oil is to thick and is not good for the bearings and seal in the newer cars.You can call an Auto Zone and they can tell you how much fluid you would need. After draining out the old fluid you just fill it until it runs out the hole on the side of the trans where you put the new oil in.
let the dealer do it where they will be responseable
transmission fluid is transmission fluid. they are all the same. as for the amount, you will have to research that online... i cant believe that your manual doesnt specify that