Friday 7 October 2011

How much would you deal with before changing meds?

When starting a new medication there are usualy side effects, I am wondering if its enough to drop the medication and try a new one. So many people have sang praises about Wellbutrin and I want it to work so bad. I have only been on the medication for 3 weeks but I feel like crap physicaly.. though mentaly I think it may be working.

Argh! help please, let me know how much you would take before changing meds.How much would you deal with before changing meds?Your best bet is to finish the trial period, which can take up to 6 weeks, or more. If you are being medically monitored by a Dr. , of course, you want to let them know of your physical side affects. You'll ultimately have to decide if the Benefits outweight the side affects if they do not go away, and you are the only one who can determine that. Good luck.
How much would you deal with before changing meds?
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How much would you deal with before changing meds?
How much to take before you consider changing meds is entirely up to you. You have to weigh the risks to benefits. Generally most anti depressants take several weeks to start working and about that long for tolerance to build up to the side effects. Some go away quickly and some never do. You didn't say what side effects you were experiencing, so I can't help you with that. You also didn't say if you have tried any other anti-depressants previously. There are many to choose from if this one isn't the right one. They all have side effects, but different ones. And they all effect everyone differently. So Wellbutrin may be effective and well tolerated for most people, it may not be the right drug for you. There is no way to predict which one will work best with the least side effects for every person, so you just have to keep trying till you find one that works well for you. Just remember that you have to give it at least a month before you give up. Now, go call your doctor!
You should maybe give it a little longer, but I tried that medication and it did nothing for me. It was as if I was taking nothing at all. You may need to switch to something else after a coupe or 3 more weeks of giving it a chance. If your family doctor prescribed it, I would advise to see a psychiatrist. They are the specialists in that area and they will be able to be of more help. Ask your doctor for ones in your area and you can also call your insurance company to get a list of ones in your surrounding area. I hope you find a good one. You may find that you will be put on more than one medication. I hope you find something that works for you. It may take awhile, but hang in there and find a good psychiatrist.
Depends how bad your mental or stress case is. We are not doctor and can't judge if it is chronic or mild. If it is mild then stop it and exercise , eat right , and take minerals like magnesium and maybe a valariana pill to sleep well(herb pill). But if the case is chronic call your doc and tell him you need to switch to a new medication with less side effects.
