Friday 7 October 2011

What life changing decisions have you made in the last 6-7 months?

everyone is getting on Obama for not doing enough so i'd like to know what life changing decisions have yo made in such a short time?What life changing decisions have you made in the last 6-7 months?to move away from my abusive father, live with my disabled grandparents for 8 months, change schools, go to radiation appointments with my mom who has breast cancer, and swear that if i ever meet my terrible father again i will beat him up.P.S. i'm only 12, DON'T I HAVE A FREAKIN' AMAZING LIFE??!!
What life changing decisions have you made in the last 6-7 months?
Wow-Bizzurke, you're a freakin *****. Why would you scare this poor girl like that? Sure, sometimes it runs in families, but certainly not a guarantee. You are really a horrible person...I can't believe you wrote that to a child.

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What life changing decisions have you made in the last 6-7 months?
to start breathing if I stop
Wrong. Everyone is on Obama for doing too much to socialize the US.
what life changing decisions has he made in the last 6-7 months
In the last seven months I have decided to get married. In the last 5 months I have decided to have a baby (well, the baby decided it was coming!) um.....I'm debating on whether or not to sell my business. I should have that figured out within the next 3 months.

And we have to pick a baby name. That's a huge, life changing decision...

But see, all my decisions affect me and my family. Obama's decisions all affect the American people. He should be a little more cautious - instead of rushing to exploit a crisis for the sake of his agenda.
Wait even longer to have children, because we won't be able to afford to do so in this economy, that is growing worse by the day.
Sincere regret for voting for Obama
I'm moving out of SC, gov. Sanford has embarrassed me no end...
starting in 2007, i began selling almost everything i own just short of my house, car and a few pieces of outdoor gear i use regularly... both of which are for sale if anyone is interested... so i can move to a rural area and build a self sufficient home, take an unimportant job and escape the taxes of illinois. i got about a year or two left before i can get out of here completely, have to pay off my last two credit cards first. i'm done with this society trying to tell me i need to take care of all these people who are wastes of life and don't even try to take care of themselves.
We have decided to hold off on moving and having another baby due to the terrible economy and real estate market...

I think he should stop doing what he is doing...he is putting us further in the hole and inflation is going to start setting's going to get worse.
I married my wife 4 months after we first met. (This was several years ago.)

Best decision I ever made.

I joined the military 3 months after I initially began considering it - and retired 26 years later.

The thing you seem to be forgetting is that making decisions is Obama's job. In fact Obama made promises that the unemployment rate would reach a maximum of 8.2 then start declining by the end of April this year if his spending bill was passed.

Why shouldn't we hold Obama to his promises?
The decision is still in process. I expect it will take a year or so to fullfill.

See below鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
When Obama's Secretary of Homeland Security classified me as a Right-Wing Extremists, I decide to pick up the glove she threw down and become a Political activist against her and the One Party Democratic Ruling Government that is hellbent on destroying my way of life.

I was part of the silent majority, let them play their stupid childish little bickering playground squabbles.

No more, I will not give up without a fight what my father fought for so proudly. I will not give up what my ancestors died for with a fight.

I am no shrinking violet. I am a Proud American Veteran. Do your worst, for that is when I am at my best.
I decided to not retire and continue to work as long as my health was good, and if my health wasn't good.....same to death.

I took a big haircut on the stock market and a big paycut when they closed my division. I have a too big house and too young kids.

When I sleep, I'm retired, when I'm awake I work.
How to craft ways of ridding this country of liberals with the use of Zyklon-B...The world would be a better place without a bunch a spineless lib's sucking this country dry..
Everyone is on Obama because he's the freaking PRESIDENT and kinda has some important stuff to do which is why lots of people (not me) voted for him.