Friday 7 October 2011

Can you lose weight without drastically changing your diet?

Can you lose weight without drastically changing your diet? But by working out for about thirty minutes a day? Like, I'm going to cut out the chips and pop but I don't want to drastically switch to eating soups all the time or some kind of cottage cheese concoction for every meal. Is it possible?Can you lose weight without drastically changing your diet?A lot depends on how much you want to loose and how fast you want to loose it. First of all I would recommend at least 1 hours of exercise 5-6 days a week. Start off with walking about 3 miles per hour and increase to 4-5 miles per hour over time. I prefer going to the gym and alternating treadmill, recumbent bike and elliptical machine. During the sports seasons I will do this while watching games on TV. I get more than an hour in and hardly notice it. You will also want to do some resistance training to firm up muscles during the weight loss.

For your diet remember that 3200 calories = 1 pound. I would recommend starting off by cutting out 500-600 calories per day from your diet. This is pretty easy to do, especially if you spend the time to keep a food diary. This will allow you to drop about 1 pound per week or 52 pounds per year. Add your exercise on to that and you will probably drop another 1/2 to 1 pound per week.

Back to the diet. Start putting more fiber into your diet, 25-30 mg is good, more is better. Go on line and start hunting for web sites that discuss healthy eating. Start changing what you eat and how much slowly. If you do it too fast you will go off the diet change quickly. To keep you from feeling hungry try eating 4-6 small meals per day rather than 2-3 large ones. Sip herbal tea during the day (cold) and keep snacks like nuts and fruit around.

As always check with your doctor to get input, but I think the doctor will agree with what I've suggested. Studies have shown that weight loss over longer periods of time tend to be more successful at keeping weight off that fast losses.
Can you lose weight without drastically changing your diet?
Yes, you must burn more calories than you intake.
Can you lose weight without drastically changing your diet?
It depends on what your diet is like now. If your diet is presently pretty healthy, you would probably be able to lose weight by exercising more and making small changes to your diet. If your diet is presently very unhealthy, you would probably not be able to lose enough weight through exercise alone and would need to make some major changes to your diet.
Yes :D By keeping your metabolism (the rate at which you burn food for fuel) super-high... by avoiding putting your body into %26quot;starvation mode%26quot; and shutting down the fat-burning fire... and by keeping your mind nice and happy the entire time by eating the foods YOU enjoy at very specific times so you get the best of both worlds: fat-burning and tasty food...
You'll have to weight train then or do an intense cardio workout. Weight training is proven to be the most effective weight loss method, but almost all girls are opposed to it for several reasons, chief among them that it will cause them to become muscly and therefore unattractive. This is wrong for many reasons itself. A girl who works extremely hard at weight training for a year, by lifting to complete exhaustion, will never gain nearly as much muscle as a guy who does it for a month. Why? Hormones. Girls simply don't have enough testosterone for that kind of muscle gain. If you do decide to weight train, make sure you do less weight with more repetitions. This will foster weight loss while toning your body at the same time.

Assuming you don't like the idea of weight training, you have to do cardio. You need to burn more than how many calories you take in each day. In addition; and this is the important part, you need to change it up every so often. If you keep jogging 30 minutes everyday, your body will adjust and adapt to become more efficient. While this is usually a good thing, it's bad in terms of weight loss because you'll burn less calories with the same work. Sprint small distances sometimes instead or alternate between running and jogging.
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