Friday 7 October 2011

Is it worth changing your whole life for one person?

Is it worth changing your lifestyle and everything about you just to spend time with the girl you love?Is it worth changing your whole life for one person?that's what love is all about, being able to compromise certain ideals that you once would never have in order to make a relationship work. You definitely should never have to change your whole life or the person that are in order to be with the one you love. But, your perspective of certain things might change and start to coincide with that person.
Is it worth changing your whole life for one person?
Is it worth changing your whole life for one person?
no just no
i've done it for the guy i love..
If you love a girl that much she is one lucky girl. You shoudln't have to change your whole llife for her though. If she loves you as much as you love her she'll be fine with the whole idea of you being you and not changing entirely.
no because you should be able to be who you are and still do and like the things you want to

you shouldnt change everything just for one girl

and if you really love her you should tell change your schedule or something to spend more time with her.
depends on the person : )
well it depdnds. on whether it is worth it to you. what is most important to you. but you really can't change everything about yourself for very long. the real you will show up. if you are married then you have to adapt to each other to stay together, you have to move where their job is or whatever when things change. you don't say how old you are or what exacty you mean. but the big question is can you really do it and is it worth it to you?
That's a tough question, and only you can answer that.

I've been there and I was willing to because I adored him. He was everything to me. But now looking back, no. You need to look out for yourself..

But hey, if you two really love eachother, then go for it. It's very romantic that's for sure. %26lt;3

And life is about taking risks! :)

Good luck!
You shouldn't have to change anything about yourself or your lifestyle to spend time with the girl you love. If she doesn't accept you as you are, then she is really not worth having. Don't change yourself just to make someone else happy. If they really love you, they'll accept you just the way you are. Hope this helps!
no I don't think so. One day you make tried of it, and you may want a change. Life is short, just do what makes you happy. You are always first.
No !

it doesn't depend on anything, you wont' be yourself and living your life to always trying to please someone else is a complete waste of your time.
No, there is no point. Think of everything that you would be loosing and the little bit that you would be gaining.
if u really do love her and u thing it is the right think 2 do then go head i think ur doing the right thing
you might as well, when you get married she will change everything about you. look at your dad, do you think he was always like that? no, once he was wild and free.

your lifestyle may need changing. i kno w mine did.

Everyone says no, but my boyfriend has lessened his involvement in other things to spend time with me. If a girl says %26quot;Quit doing this so you will have more time for me%26quot; that is no okay. But so what if you decide that spending time with her makes you happier than going out to a club every night or whatever you used to do. There's no rule against changing what you want to do and who you want to spend time with.

Keep in mind though, if this isn't a serious relationship, and it ends, you are going to really regret missing out on spending time doing those things.

I guess devoting your life to your partner is only a good idea if it is a serious relationship.